Стосунки з образом I | Relations with the image I
Опис | Description
Назва: “Стосунки з образом I” | Title: “Relations with the image I”
Художник: Альона Кузнєцова | Artist: Alena Kuznetsova
Дата створення: 2021 | Date of creation: 2021
Місце написання: Київ | Place of creation: Kyiv
Розмір: 100*130 см | Size: 100*130 cm
Тип: Картина | Type: Painting
Техніка: Олія | Technique: Oil
Матеріал: Полотно | Material: Canvas
Виставки: “Стосунки з образом” в галереї Imagine point, 2022;
Exhibitions: “Relations with the image” at Imagine Point Gallery, 2022
Статус: доступна | Status: available
Текст | Text
Галерея | Gallery
Пов’язані картини | Related paintings
Relations with the image I
“Man and animal differ in history, and memory, both on a personal and social level.
Our relationships are also our stories, shared with others.
Our values are the stories that motivate us to action. Our culture is our collective history. The stories we tell ourselves can destroy us, and they can heal us.
There is no life without our body, but our stories created in the body live longer than corporeality. We remember people longer than their bodies live, and our traditions live longer than our buildings. Even if we don’t influence the passage of time, we do influence exactly how we use it and what stories we leave behind.
‘Sunny’ Glass Sculpture | Taras Popovych
Опис | Description
Назва: “Sunny Glass Portrait” | Title: “Sunny Glass Portrait”
Розмір: 590-260-200 мм | Size: 590-260-200 mm
Дата створення: 2016 | Date of creation: 2016
Місце створення: Львів | Place of creation: Lviv
Тип: Скульптура | Type: Sculpture
Материал: Скло | Material: Glass
“Яким ти бачиш цей колір?” в Мaslo the gallery, 2017
“Objects Art Prize” в Музеї Шоколадний будинок, 2020
“What do you see this color?” at Мaslo the gallery, 2017
“Objects Art Prize” at Chocolate House Museum, 2020
Статус: доступна | Status: available
Ціна: $3000 | Price: $3000
Галерея | Gallery
Пов’язані роботи | Related artworks