THE ART OF RESISTANCE | Group show of Ukrainian artists in Valencia, Spain

I am so impressed by this show The Art of Resistance at the @expos_artgemesi !
The photo with Sasha’s portrait is just a small part of the exhibition, which actually covers two floors of a very beautiful modern space with works by about 50 Ukrainian artists (special thanks and super respect to curators @pechenman and @y.stepanok, who did enormously great job and wrote ALL the names of the participants in Facebook event! 💛💙).
And I was personally very impressed to see this painting, printed for an exhibition probably 1-in-1 (yes, the original is still in Kyiv, but soon hope it will reach Western Europe). I was waiting for only small posters of the beginning of the war among my works there. @sasha.horbatiuk joked he has a feeling like he is in Valencia)
You are very welcome if nearby!
24.05 – 5.06
Free entrance
Opening hours 6-9 pm and from 11 am to 2 pm on Sundays.

Диптих “Акт II” на Objects Art Prize 2020

Выставка финалистов конкурса для украинских молодых художников @Objects art prize. Второй год подряд в финале. 🙂
Первая моя выставка в Киеве, на которой я отсутствовала. Благодарна организаторам за прекрасные фото!
Полный фотоотчет:

Act 2. 5


Назва: “Act 2. 5” | Title: “Act 2. 5”

Розмір: 200*80 см | Size: 200*80 cm

Дата створення: 2019 | Date of creation: 2019

Місце написання: Київ | Place of creation: Kyiv

Тип: Картина | Type: Painting

Техніка: Змішана | Technique: Mixed

Материал: Полотно | Material: Canvas


“Траєкторія”, галерея Міронової, Київ, 2019

“Objects Art Prize”, музей “Шоколадний будинок” (Київ), 2020


Trajectory” (2019), Mironova Gallery (Kyiv, Ukraine), 2019

“Objects Art Prize” (2020), “Chocolate house” museum (Kyiv), 2020

Атрибути: Сертифікат автентичності | Attributes: Certificate of authenticity

Пакування:  Картона чи дерев’яна коробка, Тубус | Packaging: Carton or wooden box, Tube

Ціна: За запитом | Price: On demand

Статус: в приватній колекції | Status: in private collection





Кілл Білл №6 | Kill Bill #6

Опис | Description

Назва: “Кілл Білл №6” | Title: “Kill Bill #6”

Художник: Альона Кузнєцова | Artist: Alena Kuznetsova

Дата створення: 2017 | Date of creation: 2017

Місце написання: Київ | Place of creation: Kyiv

Розмір: 100*200 см | Size: 100*200 cm

Тип: Картина | Type: Painting

Техніка: Масло | Technique: Oil

Матеріал: Полотно | Material: Canvas


 KILL BILL” в America house gallery space, Київ, 2017;

“Анатомія симулякра” в Інституті проблем сучасного мистецтва, Київ, 2018-2019;

“Objects Art Prize” в Мистецький центр “Шоколадний будинок”, Київська НКГ, 2019;

Ukrainian 12” в Portraits International Gallery, Brussels, Belgium, 2023


KILL BILL” at America house gallery space, Kyiv, 2017

“Simulacra anatomy”, Modern Art Research Institute of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, 2018-2019

“Objects Art Prize”, Art center Chocolate house, Kyiv picture gallery, 2019

Ukrainian 12” at Portraits International Gallery, Brussels, Belgium, 2023

Статус: Доступна в Брюсселі, Бельгія | Status: Available in Brussels, Belgium


Kill bill is my dialogue with Kyiv city. Abandoned billboards – are a widespread phenomenon in Ukraine, but also I’ve seen some examples worldwide. The places for ads, there are plenty of them along the roads and in the cities. The natural death on billboards is ironic since it is impossible to remove rubbish advertisements deliberately. The series raises questions about the mindless consumption of goods and visual noise. The Kill bill series is a work on the verge of balancing abstraction and the figurative that captures, and flirts with the notion of the visual Kyiv urban environment (that forms our aesthetic taste), ready-made and time.
The title of this project shares its name with the famous movie “Kill Bill,” in this case “bill” is a reduction from the “billboard”.

Галерея | Gallery


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