Кілл Білл №5 | Kill Bill #5

Опис | Description

Назва: “Кілл Білл №5” | Title: “Kill Bill #5”

Художник: Альона Кузнєцова | Artist: Alena Kuznetsova

Дата створення: 2017 | Date of creation: 2017

Місце написання: Київ | Place of creation: Kyiv

Розмір: 100*200 см | Size: 100*200 cm

Тип: Картина | Type: Painting

Техніка: Масло | Technique: Oil

Матеріал: Полотно | Material: Canvas

Виставки: KILL BILL” в America house gallery space, Kиїв, 2017;

Exhibitions: KILL BILL” at America house gallery space, Kyiv, 2017

Статус: Доступна в Брюсселі, Бельгія | Status: Available in Brussels, Belgium


Kill bill is my dialogue with Kyiv city. Abandoned billboards – are a widespread phenomenon in Ukraine, but also I’ve seen some examples worldwide. The places for ads, there are plenty of them along the roads and in the cities. The natural death on billboards is ironic since it is impossible to remove rubbish advertisements deliberately. The series raises questions about the mindless consumption of goods and visual noise. The Kill bill series is a work on the verge of balancing abstraction and the figurative that captures, and flirts with the notion of the visual Kyiv urban environment (that forms our aesthetic taste), ready-made and time.
The title of this project shares its name with the famous movie “Kill Bill,” in this case “bill” is a reduction from the “billboard”.

Галерея | Gallery


Пов’язані роботи | Related paintings 

Кілл Білл №4 | Kill Bill #4

Опис | Description

Назва: “Кілл Білл №4” | Title: “Kill Bill #4”

Художник: Альона Кузнєцова | Artist: Alena Kuznetsova

Дата створення: 2017 | Date of creation: 2017

Місце написання: Київ, Україна | Place of creation: Kyiv, Ukraine

Розмір: 100*200 см | Size: 100*200 cm

Тип: Картина | Type: Painting

Техніка: Масло | Technique: Oil

Матеріал: Полотно | Material: Canvas


KILL BILL” в America house gallery space, Київ, 2017

Ukrainian 12” в Portraits International Gallery, Brussels, Belgium, 2023


KILL BILL” at America house gallery space, Kyiv, 2017

Ukrainian 12” at Portraits International Gallery, Brussels, Belgium, 2023

Статус: Доступна в Брюсселі, Бельгія | Status: Available in Brussels, Belgium


Kill bill is my dialogue with Kyiv city. Abandoned billboards – are a widespread phenomenon in Ukraine, but also I’ve seen some examples worldwide. The places for ads, there are plenty of them along the roads and in the cities. The natural death on billboards is ironic since it is impossible to remove rubbish advertisements deliberately. The series raises questions about the mindless consumption of goods and visual noise. The Kill bill series is a work on the verge of balancing abstraction and the figurative that captures, and flirts with the notion of the visual Kyiv urban environment (that forms our aesthetic taste), ready-made and time.
The title of this project shares its name with the famous movie “Kill Bill,” in this case “bill” is a reduction from the “billboard”.

Галерея | Gallery

Пов’язані роботи | Related paintings