
Опис | Description

Назва: “Серпень-Tайм” | Title: “Serpen-Time”

Художник: Альона Кузнєцова | Artist: Alena Kuznetsova

Дата створення: 2024 | Date of creation: 2024

Місце написання: Київ | Place of creation: Kyiv

Розмір: 150*113 см | Size: 150*113 cm

Тип: Картина | Type: Painting

Техніка: Масло | Technique: Oil

Материал: Полотно | Material: Canvas

Статус: Доступна | Status: Available

Пов’язані роботи | Related paintings 


The story of one oil painting title 📇

📍‘Serpen-time’, 150*113 cm, oil on canvas, 2024.

It was created at my Kyiv studio, still during the war, at the end of summer, in August (which is ‘serpen’ in Ukrainian). The name also alludes to a famous gallery and a serpentarium (from my experience). It is a rather interesting story with the painting’s title because I had no idea how to name it in the beginning. Then I decided to ask for help with my fb profile, and my friends and people there advised me about 20 names. The most widespread was connected with August, and ‘Serpen’ with variations ☺️ Thankful everyone took part in co-creation, especially @sasha.horbatiuk , whose version with ‘Serpentine’ was the best for me! 🙏 

Also many thanks to Dave, who gave me his stretchers with unusual sizes, after leaving Ukraine. It is made on it) 

PS  I was living my best life during those times, enjoying summer and new painting experiences in spite of the danger of missile attacks, which we are mostly used to.