Опис | Description
Назва: “Пробудження” | Title: “Awakening”
Художник: Альона Кузнєцова | Artist: Alena Kuznetsova
Дата створення: 2016 | Date of creation: 2016
Місце написання: Київ | Place of creation: Kyiv
Розмір: 100*150 см | Size: 100*150 см
Тип: Картина | Type: Painting
Техніка: Масло | Technique: Oil
Матеріал: Полотно | Material: Canvas
Виставки: “В Кольорі” в галереї “Spivakovska ART:EGO“, 2016 |
Exhibitions: “In Colour” in “Spivakovska ART:EGO” gallery, 2016
Статус: доступна | Status: available
Текст | Text
“My thirst for research and experimentation does not allow me to settle on one technique or color scheme, leading to a variety of approaches. For me, each work is a discovery, they are all unique. After my academic education, I became interested in going further, expanding my perception of art beyond the boundaries of the known. Painting: as an experience, as a process, progress by touch. Color is a living substance, so powerful in its impact and so subjective in perception.”
Painting – as an object for experimentation and research. The artist refers to the maximum amplitude of the possibilities of the material from the ground, hard, concrete, pasty,through the liquid and fluid, flexible and smooth, in lightness, weightlessness, rarefied atmosphere, reduction, disappearance. The search for new faces and the volume of the third, the fourth, the nth state in the immutable duality (expansion – contraction, inhale and exhale, joy and sadness). These fluctuations, the expansion to occur with the material, texture, color, consciousness of the observer.
Галерея | Gallery
Пробудження | Awakening (100*150 cm) | View info
Пробудження | Awakening (100*150 cm) | View info
Пов’язані роботи | Related paintings
Вікна в літо | Windows into the summer (90*90) | View info